Monday, May 4, 2009

Spent a week in a dusty library...

[Editors Note: On account of my sickness, I've been sleeping for hours on end. On account of my afro, that sleep has now turned my hair into what closely resembles a flat top/Elvis-styled pompadour. I consider this newsworthy..]

Good afternoon my friends, and welcome to another lovely afternoon, here on Looks Like Coffee, Tastes Like Juice. I'm going to be incredibly frank today (as well as a little Norman); there are quite a bit of things that I harbor a deep and intricate hatred for. Headlining this vast list, followed immediately by venereal disease, is being limited to specific topics/pigeonholing myself. If anyone is catching these very subtle hints I'm trying to drop, what I'm basically saying is that restricting myself to THFNS posts was almost tumor-inducing for me. So, for the sake of my health, and the health of those in Windsor, Ontario (+ surrounding areas), I've decided to go on a hiatus from those THFNS posts, and continue with the regular spasmodic postings of ... whatever the fuck I feel like. So, without further hyperbole and ado; a return to form/lessness. Enjoy!

My Maudlin Career (4AD Records)

When one first lays down Camera Obscura's My Maudlin Career, the crack of a snare drum whip and a handful of couplets, including "Spent a week in a dusty library/waiting for some words to jump at me", greet the listener. All Bob Dylan cliches involving snare drums aside, the song French Navy is a fantastic album opener. With sharp guitar chords, dizzying violins, and pure 60's/motown production, the album opens on a note of brass and string glory. A record that could easily go downhill , though, surprisingly does the opposite. The next two tracks, The Sweetest Thing & You Told a Lie, aren't the most prominent or melodic tracks on this record, but the Beach Boys-esque backing vocals and the jazz shuffle feel of the songs have them working well in context. My Maudlin Career continues in this fashion, concentrating more on quiet subtleties that make it's charm almost infectious.

French Navy
My Maudlin Career
The World is Full of Strangers


In my opinion, Death Cab For Cutie's latest EP, The Open Door, had the capability and, judging by it's single "Little Brides", potential, to be a great EP, showcasing the band stepping into new directions. What we find instead on this record, is Death Cab For Cutie, playing typical Death Cab For Cutie songs. Now, I complete agree with the fact that DCFC is a hardworking band, who have worked hard to establish a signature "sound", and that's absolutely fine. The problem that I have with this record is that it sounds as if the band is trying to step in a new direction, while keeping one foot in the door (PUN!). This has kept the record sounding cautious, and as self conscious as a teenage girl during gym class, which is odd for such an established band. Hopefully, this is just a fluke, and the next album from this phenomenal band will be up to par with last year's Narrow Stairs.
Little Bribes
I Was Once A Loyal Lover


Sometime in the next week, I'll be writing a little about two albums, which are coming out of very similar scenarios, that both have me pissing my pants in anticipation.

Dinosaur Jr. - I Want You To Know (Via Stereogum) <--- Just right click this one to download! Sonic Youth - Anti-Orgasm

Occurring tomorrow will be a massive post, because these two weeks have most likely been the most exciting two weeks that the music world will see in 2009. So, buy a new pair of shoes and remember to comb your hair, because tomorrow is going to be a 15 on the Richter scale.


While you're eagerly anticipating (or just casually waiting) for the exciting bundle of joy that will be tomorrow's post, go check out The Hold Steady's excellent session at Daytrotter. You won't be disappointed.

The Hold Steady's Daytrotter Session

Until tomorrow.