This is the first post I've written since my arrival from Quebec, and to start it off, I'd like to formally thank my dear friend, and cousin, Joseph, for doing a wonderful job of keeping things in order while I was away. As you know, he did a fantastic job, and I am definitely looking forward to some more oft contributions.
Tonight is probably not the best time for me to be writing a post, I feel it necessary to point that out. This week, even, has been such an odd time in my life, that anything I say/do cannot really be held to me, as I think I may legally have some sort of temporal mental disorder. In the past week, I've had the feeling of love crash over me like a tidal wave, yet I've been eroded by the murky waters of defeat. I've felt some intense happiness, bitter sadness and alarming neutrality, among other indescribable emotions. I've pondered existential things, I've pondered hilarious things, and I've had incredibly detailed discussions on the consistency of mashed potatoes, and the warrants of manliness in modern society. Needless to say (perhaps because I've already spent an entire paragraph saying it?), I've had a helluva week.
I think the only reason I may be writing this, is the guilt that I feel for not having posted in such a long period of time. Regardless of all that, I'm posting right now. I haven't really prepared for a post, as you can already see by the obvious state of this one, and I'm not even on my own computer. Alas, I will write!
So, I just finished watching the movie Doubt, which featured the mind-boggling Meryl Streep, and Philip Seymour Hoffman, who is one of the many objects of my affection. It was an astounding film, which left me doubting even my own thoughts, and even resulted in a yelling match between my mother and I over the conclusion. I highly recommend this film for anyone... with eyes and ears?!
I just realized that Valentines' day is in six days, and readers of this here blog can definitely expect a post of... manic proportions the day before. The reason the post is not going to be on the actual date of Valentines' day, is because I will be at a wedding. I can tell you as of now though, that said post will include a two disc mixtape (I'm sure you can guess the theme), photos of my The Smiths/The Cure/The Stooges patented black valentines, and my list of favourite romantic songs/films/books/albums. I hope you thoroughly enjoy it!
I sincerely apologize for the absence of any music at all in this post, but I'm sure you can understand that the conditions it is being written under are not exactly ideal. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, and regular posts (that include music!) will resume on Monday, as well as an exciting new idea that I'll be running by you.
Until Monday!
The Battle for Britain's Masculinity