Sunday, November 30, 2008

From now on, our troubles will be out of sight ...

Jesus Christ! If Lil Wayne could have better cover art ... I don't know, I don't even think it'd be possible. I feel bad for the folks at the Oxford English Dictionary, because now they have to change the pictures underneath the words "badass", "asskicking", and "epic". Well, such is life.

Alright, tonight is not the greatest night for me, so I figured I'd just start the Christmas Mixtape this evening. Now that American Thanksgiving is out of the way, and it is officially December in less than two hours, I'm gladly letting the joyful chaos that is Christmas, invest itself into my mind and soul. In layman's terms, I'm really, really excited for Christmas. So without further ado, I present to you, the good people, part 1 of 2143? of The Looks Like Coffee, Tastes Like Juice Official Christmas Mixtape.

Looks Like Coffee, Tastes Like Christmas; The Official Looks Like Coffee, Tastes Like Juice Christmas Mixtape (Part 1)

Winter Wonderland - Louis Armstrong

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas - Hem

River - Joni Mitchell

Merry Christmas (I Don't Want To Fight Tonight ) - The Ramones

Baby, It's Cold Outside (feat. Felicia Navidad) - Marah

Did I mention that the Christmas Mixtape would be coming in installments of five? And that there will be 10, over the next 25 days? Well, I guess I am right now.

Enjoy, and goodnight.